Ligue Médicale Laser,
46 rue Stanislas
54000 Nancy
Tel: 0372610705

Website Manager : Ligue Médicale Laser,

Design and implementation : NANCOMCY, a commercial brand of ALEO AGENCY, a Simplified Joint-Stock Company with its headquarters at 1 Passage Annette Zelman 54000 NANCY, registered under the number 800 525 602 RCS NANCY *

Website Host : WP SERVEUR, 134 Avenue du Président Wilson – 93100 MONTREUIL

Phone : 09 72 49 72 64

1. Ownership

All content of this Website, including texts, still or animated images, databases, programs, cgi, etc., is the exclusive property of Ligue Médicale Laser, or its rightful owners and is protected by copyright or any other intellectual or industrial property rights. All rights not expressly mentioned herein are not granted to you.

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The information collected about you is essential for continuing communication and submitting our news and developments, following your voluntary email subscription. These personal data are confidential and are subject to computerized processing. They are stored and used exclusively by the website publisher for statistical surveys, commercial, and marketing operations. In accordance with the amended Data Protection Act n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data (CNIL Declaration registered under number 2006907). You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of your data.

To exercise this right, contact:
– By postal mail to: Ligue Médicale Laser, 46 rue Stanislas – 54000 Nancy

– By email to:

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Photographs and visuals on the site cannot be reproduced, redistributed, or sold without the written consent of the publisher. Any image used without the consent of the author of the photograph may result in legal action.

Unless otherwise noted, the copyright of the documents and each of the elements created for this “site” are the exclusive property of the Site Publisher. Any total or partial reproduction of the site content is therefore prohibited, as per Article L.713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code. The laws governing this site are French laws, and the competent courts are French courts.

4. Liability

The Site Publisher makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of all information provided on its site, which is directly linked, but the Publisher cannot guarantee that the information it contains is complete, accurate, exact, exhaustive, and free from any errors.

The Site Publisher reserves the right to correct or modify, at any time and without notice, the content of this site.

The Site Publisher disclaims all responsibility for the information available on its “site” and for the use that can be made of the information contained on this site or obtained in response to a question asked via this site. In no event shall the Publisher be held responsible for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of this site or in connection with this site. In general, the Site Publisher disclaims any responsibility for the use that may be made of this site.

Any attempt to transfer information to a third-party site or to modify the information contained on this site is prohibited and may result in civil or criminal prosecution by the Site Publisher.

The Site Publisher cannot be held responsible for all hypertext links or any other computer element used, directly or indirectly, from the “site,” the existence of a link not having the effect of transferring responsibility to the Publisher.

The Site Publisher does not guarantee and makes no commitment concerning third-party sites and will not be responsible for their content. It is strictly forbidden to create a hypertext link to the site without the official agreement of the Site Publisher. The Site Publisher cannot guarantee and does not guarantee that the server hosting the “site” is free of viruses and that the files accessible by download from this website or any other third-party site are free from viruses or operational errors. As viruses can be transmitted via the Internet, we recommend that users take the necessary measures to protect their computer against any intrusion, against any technical problem that could damage the user’s computer components or data that could be stored there. In any case, the Site Publisher or one of its subcontractors cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur when connecting to and browsing the site.

5. Cookies

In accordance with Article 32-II of the law of January 6, 1978, modified by Ordinance n°2011-1012 of August 24, 2011, the CtrlZ website requests the prior consent of visitors to allow the placement and reading of cookies on their terminal and informs them of the purpose of the cookies.

The validity period of this consent is a maximum of 13 months.

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Any attempt to transfer information to a third-party site or modify the information contained on this site is prohibited and may result in civil or criminal prosecution by the Site Publisher.

The Site Publisher cannot be held responsible for all hypertext links or any other computer element used, directly or indirectly, from the “site.”

The Site Publisher does not guarantee and makes no commitment concerning third-party sites and will not be responsible for their content.

If you wish to create a link with the CtrlZ site, you must first contact the Site Publisher to obtain the necessary authorization